Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Love, Hope and Encourgement for Women Who Are Effected by Husband/Boyfriend's Sexual Sin

First I would like to say God bless you and Jesus loves you so much. It is crazy to think that something could cause so much pain and confusion, that you had nothing to do with. And believe me 99.999999 percent of the time it is not your fault. I would actually be hard pressed to find any instance where the women had anything to do with the man’s sexual sin. So if you are feeling like you are responsible for any part of his sin, it is safe to say you are not. This is something that is between him and God.

  1. The first resources that I would recommend is at Pure on Line. This has a great info page with a video by Renee Crosse who's husband admitted to her he had a problem with looking at porn. The video is powerful and honest and gives a very real idea of what it takes for a women to be supportive.

  1. Prayer, Encouagement and Support Forums

Next in my personal opinion the thing that you need right now is encouragement, prayer and support from other women who have been through this and understand where you are coming from. For this reason I am listing a couple of forums (sites you can post your story or questions and get support) that are dedicated to women who have men who are committing sexual sin or have commited it in the past. Here are the links:

Christian Wives of Addicts (A wonderful forum dedicated primarily to wives who have husbands addicted to porn. You will find encouragement and wonderful people here to pray for you)

Partners for Purity (This forum is just as good as the first, with other good resources on their site)

Every Womens Battle (I have to give it to this forum, the topics you can pick from are amazing. From married women to single women to young women. You will be able to find support here)

Every Heart Restored (This is a wonderful forum dedicated to the issues that women go through. The link takes you to a page that you have to register at, sorry you are not able to get in unless you register)

My suggestion is to all three of these together. It is good to get as much support as possible during this painful time. If you do all three you will get so many more people praying for you and encouraging you than just using one.

  1. Online support Groups

If you want something more in depth I would recommend New Life Partners. This is primary an online group of women who meet to give each other strength an encouragement (using email, online chat, instant messaging, Bible and book study and annual retreats). This is better than explaining to someone who doesn’t understand what your going through at all and then trying to get support from them. To see what this program is all about here is the link

New Life Partners (Finding love and support from sisters who have been there)

If you would like to join the program here is the link

Join New Life Partners

  1. Phone Counseling

There is also a third resource at Pure Life Ministries. This is a phone counseling for you or you and your husband/boyfriend. All the counselors have been through similar experiences that you have and have been trained at Pure Life Ministries. There is a cost associated with this ($25.00 per 30 min) but having a dedicated counselor might just be the think needed. Here is the link

Pure Life Ministries (Phone Counseling)

There is also a pretty powerful testimony that I found of a woman who was able to save her family through Pure Life Ministries. Here is the link

Pure Life Ministries (Testimonial)

  1. Every Heart Restored (Recommended Reading)

A wonderful recommended book for wives with husbands who have an admitted problem with porn or other sexual sin. This is not a good book to get techniques to confront your husband. If you do want to understand what is going on with your husband and start the healing process this would be the book to do it. Last time I checked they had used copies at half the price of what the book cost new.©2007

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