Wednesday, May 30, 2007

You Tube Purity For Christian Sexual Addiction

First and foremost, if you go to “You Tube” and find yourself seeking out porn and acting on some sort of Christian sexual addiction, then cut yourself off from it immediately. If you use “You Tube” for other reasons then my following suggestion will add an extra layer of purity security.

Have you ever been surfing through “You Tube” looking for interesting videos, then out of the blue on the right hand side of your screen are videos with porn on them and all you have to do is click to watch? The trouble with “You Tube” is that many times Internet filters can’t recognize them as porn and consequently they don’t get blocked. It is very easy to lose your way in the maze of “You Tube.” That is why you need an additional layer of Purity Security against Christian sexual addiction and pornography addiction.

First, create a generic “You Tube” account with a generic user name like John Smith or Julie Jones. Second, when you come the section about putting in your age, put in an age that is less than 18 years old. Third, complete your new account creation by filling in the rest of the fields.

The beauty of this idea is that when you surf “You Tube” it won’t let you watch videos that have been flagged for adult content. Another interesting feature is that if you use the same computer (like your home computer) to go to “You Tube,” it will keep you logged in for days. If you ever find yourself logged out, just log back in and your back in business.

This is not a foolproof plan, but it sure does help a lot on your battle against Christian sexual addiction.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

THANKS ALOT the idea is helpful.